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Dynamic variables

Dynamic variables are available from any Tag embedded in your campaign. They are replaced by the processed value when the campaign is accessed. Depending on the current step or event, there might be no related value (E.g.: score's value in the welcome screen).

List of variables

{email}EmailAvailable only after the form has been submitted
{email_md5}MD5 encoded emailAvailable only after the form has been submitted
{email_sha256}SHA256 encoded emailAvailable only after the form has been submitted
{title_js}JS Campaign TitleUsed in JS function
{id}Publication channel GUIDIdentification of a campaign's channel
{id_game}game GUIDIdentification of one (unique) participation to a campaign
{group}Group TitlePersonality test
{testresult}Group DescriptionPersonality test
{score}Score or number of clicks in a memory & guess the wordGames or campaigns with score related to answers
{cumul_score}Cumulative scoreValid for cumulative points campaigns
{chrono}Game time in secondsGames or campaigns with elapsed time
{timestamp}Integer (unix timecode)DMP, scripts in markers
{utm_campaign}The value given for this UTM when loading the campaign.
{utm_content}The value given for this UTM when loading the campaign.
{utm_medium}The value given for this UTM when loading the campaign.
{utm_source}The value given for this UTM when loading the campaign.
{utm_term}The value given for this UTM when loading the campaign.
{utms}Query string with all utm keys and values
{BURN:999}Burns & show one code in list 999Burn the code in the Exit Screen
{codesburned}Display codes previously burned in a game (IW prize/{BURN:999})Can be used in Email or in Exit screen (wrapped in HTML)
{nowrap:codesburned}Display codes previously burned in a game (IW prize/{BURN:999})Can be used in a link URL (Email or Exit screen)
{ucode}Generic code value to access a game
{unique_code}Generic code value used in a game
{channels}List of dates & name of publication channels in a campaignIn Rules
{prizes_count}Number of prizes that can be wonUsed in games rules
{prize} or {myGift}Prize won by the participantUsed in Exit Screen of Instant Win campaigns
{prize.description}Description of the Prize won by the participantUsed in Exit Screen of Instant Win campaigns
{crm_variable}Any CRM variable related to the formAvailable only after the form has been submitted
{gv:global_variable}Any Global Variable linked or not to an integration.Value can be defined globally for the account, a website, a campaign or a publication channel
{tv:tag_variable}Any Tag Variable created in the Tag Library

Use the variables

In any Tag, insert the {variable} where you want to have the dynamic variable replaced by the processed value.


Dynamic variables are only available in the campaign's iframe, therefore they can't be used in a Tag of a minisite template.

var profile = '{group}';
var utmSource = '{utm_source}';